Monday, January 27, 2014


Tunisia's Economy

- Primarily based upon manufacturing, tourism, agriculture and mining

- Tunisia's unemployment rate is at 18.9 percent
Tunisia's Flag

- Tunisia has an association agreement with the European Union

- This has helped modernize the economy and create job opportunities. However slowdowns have dampened demand for Tunisian made goods.

- Salafi violence undermines tourism & foreign investment

- Financial investigations are pursuing hundreds of cases in corruption from the era of Ben Ali government

- These include bribery, embezzlement of state assets, drug trafficking, money laundering and contraband.

- Property rights are not protected effectively
Tunisia & European Union

- Tunisia at the moment lacks the ability and capacity to facilitate job opportunity/creation

- Non-tariff barriers impede upon imports on some pharmaceutical and agricultural goods

- 40 percent of state owned banks remain fragmented

Citations & Resources:

Economic Statistics -

Tunisia & Technology - 

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