Monday, February 10, 2014

Technology and Development

Tunisia & Technology

- Strong partnerships between Europe and Tunisian research circles.

- Mostly in the area of renewable energy, this in turn strengthens economy and global sustainability in the Mediterranean.

- "Tunisia considered to be one of the most technologically advanced nations in North Africa, and boasts formidable Research and Technology Center of Energy."

Tunisian Metro Car
- EV funded project "Empowering Tunisian renewable energy research activities" (ETRERA)

- This is aimed to advance renewable energy in the country and beyond through powerful new synergies

- Recently two more European research centers of excellence in France and Italy have been brought together due to the project.

- Empowering Tunisian Renewable Energy Research Activities (ETRERA) primary focus is to explore the latest in fuel cell and hydrogen technologies and applications that involve partnerships between European Member states and Tunisia
Solar Panels in Tunisia

Tunisia & Technology

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